5 Million on record with union resolutions as opposed to war in Iraq and to bring the troops home, end war in Iraq. And why haven't we heard about this in the media?
Maybe others of you already know about this, and I'm just learning about this movement and I'm ready to be writing letters to the media this next week, this is news we should be hearing about. What do you think?
Media Blackout of Labor Opposition to Iraq War Continues
by David Swanson, ILCA Media Coordinator
You wouldn't know it from reading, watching, or listening to the "mainstream" media, but many of the largest labor organizations in the United States have passed resolutions demanding that U.S. troops be brought home from Iraq and the war be ended. On July 19, the ILCA published an article on the media's failure to cover this turn of events.
Back then the story was already huge. In a reversal of the support that labor has traditionally given to wars, some of the largest unions, the SEIU and AFSCME, and the California Federation of Labor, had recently passed resolutions against the Iraq War, joining early leaders of opposition, including the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, the United Farm Workers, UNITE, the IWW, and the ILWU Hawaii Local 142 and ILWU San Francisco longshore local 10, later joined by the ILWU International.
This story has grown dramatically since July, as the media blackout has continued unabated. The Communications Workers of America (many of whose members work in the media), the Postal Workers (APWU), the Mail Handlers (a division of the Laborers' Union – LIUNA), and the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance have joined the opposition. The list of state labor federations opposing the war now includes Washington, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Maryland in addition to California. At least 20 district and regional bodies, over 20 central labor councils, and over 20 local unions are on board, as well as dozens of ad hoc committees and other labor organizations, including the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, and Pride At Work (all allied organizations of the AFL-CIO). For a full roster, see US Labor Against War
.>>>>>>> snipped <<<<<<>5,399,800 people. Doing the same for regional and state labor organizations gives a total of 4,165,000
-- see entire article (it's a long one, get a cup of coffee) http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/04/10/con04420.html
-- see also the website, US Labor Against the War http://www.uslaboragainstwar.org/index.php
And are any of you aware of or planning to attend the Million Worker March scheduled for October 17th in Washington DC, that will carry the message below?
Mission Statement of USLAW, including the demand for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq, return of the troops now, and reallocation of national priorities to meeting human needs
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