US Labor Against the War : 1,500 U.S. Troops in Kuwait Going to Iraq: "1,500 U.S. Troops in Kuwait Going to Iraq
by LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press
May 30th, 2006
U.S. military commanders are moving about 1,500 troops from a reserve force in Kuwait into the volatile Anbar province in western Iraq to help local authorities establish order there. 'The United States stands ready to help the Iraqi democracy succeed,' President Bush said Tuesday.
The troop movement, announced earlier by military commanders, comes as Iraqi officials continue to struggle to set up their government, amid new spikes in violence.
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The 1st Armored Division has had a brigade stationed in Kuwait for several months serving as a reserve force that could be called upon to augment the troops in Iraq. One of the brigade's battalions was sent to the Baghdad area in March to bolster security until a new national government was seated.
The deployment comes at a time when the Bush administration is under heavy election-year pressure to begin drawing down the roughly 130,000 American troops in Iraq. The White House ceremony was aimed at countering negative news from the region."
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