By Cahal Milmo, The Independent / UK, Aug 25, 2006
While his peers from St Augustine's Catholic school were this month contemplating university careers or first jobs, Jason Chelsea was preoccupied with a different future: his first tour of duty in Iraq.
The 19-year-old infantryman, from Wigan, Greater
Manchester, was tormented by concern about what awaited him when the King's Lancaster Regiment reached Iraq,where 115 British soldiers have been killed since 2003.
He had even told his parents that he had been warned by his commanders that he could be ordered to fire on child suicide bombers.
It was a fear that he never confronted. Within 48 hours of confessing his concerns to his family, Pte Chelsea was dead after taking an overdose of painkillers and slashing his wrists.
On his death bed, he told his mother, Kerry: "I can't go out there and shoot at young children. I just can't go to Iraq. I don't care what side they are on. I can't do it."
Today, mourners including comrades from his unit will
attend Pte Chelsea's funeral, wearing the colours of his two favourite football teams, Chelsea and Wigan. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is to begin an investigation into his death, including allegations that the teenager was bullied. In a suicide note, the young soldier had said that he was "just a waste".
His parents said yesterday that their son's ordeal had
convinced them of the need for an urgent review of the
pre-deployment training given to British soldiers bound for Iraq.
Tony Chelsea, 58, a factory production supervisor, said: "My son was made very, very lonely by what was happening to him. He was very sad inside and he bottled up what was causing it. It was only after the overdose that he told us about his fears over what might happen in Iraq.
"In training, they were made to wrestle with dummies.
Jason said they were also told they might have to fight kids and that they might have to shoot them because they were carrying suicide bombs. He said the policy [where there was a suspected suicide bomber] was to shoot first and ask questions later."
His mother added: "Jason said that during the training
for Iraq he had been told that children as young as two carry bombs and the time may come when he would have to shoot one to save himself and his friends. I think they need to think again about the training they give to young soldiers before Iraq."
It is understood guidelines on training for British
troops heading for Iraq offer no warning on child
suicide bombers. But defence sources confirmed that the details of the advice given to soldiers are decided by each regiment. There have been no known cases of suicide attacks in Iraq committed by young children.
The death of Pte Chelsea, who had served in Germany and Cyprus, will renew concern about the psychological
pressures faced by British troops as they deal with
deployment to Iraq. Four days before the infantryman
attempted to take his life, the MoD released figures
showing that 1,541 soldiers who served in Iraq are
suffering from psychiatric illness. Last year, 727 cases were recorded, amounting to nearly 10 per cent of the British deployment. Special units have now been set up in the country to help soldiers deal with combat stress.
While services were also available in Britain to Pte
Chelsea to discuss his concerns within the Army, it
seems he felt unable to disclose them.
He had joined the Army at 16 after a visit to his
school, St Augustine's, telling his family the Army was to be his life. He was at home on leave when his fearscame to a head this month.
After watching a football match on the night of 10
August, he calmly wrote the suicide note, telling his
father it was a letter to a relative, took 60 painkillers then slashed his wrists. As he lay bleeding,the soldier dialled 999, telling the operator: "I have done something stupid."
In normal circumstances, Pte Chelsea, who suffered from dyslexia, may have recovered from his injuries. But when doctors began tests to assess the damage caused to his liver by the drugs, it was found that the organ had been irreparably damaged by alcohol. His family were told his liver was similar to that of someone who had been an alcoholic for 20 years and he would not survive a transplant. He died on 14 August at St James's Hospital in Leeds after his family gave consent for his other organs to be used for transplants.
His father said he believed t he reasons behind his
son's drinking had provoked a previous suicide attempt
in 2004, when he cut his wrists in his barracks. After
this incident, Pte Chelsea was treated by an Army
psychiatrist which the family said had restored his
Mr Chelsea said: "My son started drinking 18 months ago. He destroyed his liver in less than a year and a half. I believe that is because he was being bullied again. He did not want to make anything of it. He was in the Army,he knew he had to be tough. But it only takes a few words. He said he would hear comments aimed at him because of his dyslexia. He was told he would get his colleagues killed because he was stupid.
"I support the British Army and what it does. But I
would like to stand before my son's unit with a picture of him in uniform and ask those who made these comments to him time after time to think about the effect they had."
The young soldier's despair was displayed in the note he wrote to his parents before his overdose. He said:
"Really sorry, mum and dad. I'm just no good for you. I have got to finish it. I am just a waste."
The MoD said it was "greatly saddened" by the death but the details of his treatment remained the subject of an inquiry. A spokesman said: "We send our heartfelt sympathies to the family of Pte Chelsea. It is our intention to convene a board of inquiry which will examine the circumstances around his death."
Five other suicides since Iraq invasion
* JULY 2004
Pvt Gary Boswell, 20, of the Royal Welch Fusiliers,
hanged himself near his home in Milford Haven. He was on leave from Iraq
* 31 OCTOBER 2004
Staff Sgt Denise Rose, 34, who served in the Special
Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, was
found dead from a gunshot wound at a British Army base
in Basra
* 26 DECEMBER 2004
Sgt Paul Connolly, 33, of the 21st Engineer Regiment of the Royal Engineers was found dead from a gunshot wound at Shaibah Logistic Base, south-west of Basra
* 15 OCTOBER 2005
Capt Ken Masters, 40, of the Special Investigation
Branch of the Royal Military Police, hanged himself in
his office in Basra, just five days before the end of a tour
* 22 MARCH 2006
Cpl Mark Cridge, 25, of 7 Signal Regiment, shot himself at Camp Bastion in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.
Suicide Soldier's Dying Words to His Mother: 'I can't go to Iraq. I can't kill those children'
"...just five days before the end of a tour"
This assumes that a tour ever ends for a solider. I think from wars of the past we have learned that a soldier's experience in wartime never leaves them.
For most people, killing any human being is unimaginable, and now we have soldiers who are being told to shoot and kill children. Even if there are child bombers, at our core we understand that these children are still ultimately innocent, and how a soldier (or ourselves) can reconcile this within the soul is beyond my understanding.
It really is no surprise that soldiers are killing themselves when leaving to their tours, while on their tours, and after returning from their tours.
Compound this with the fact that a basic understanding of this war can only lead a reasonable person to conclude that we invaded this country without justifiable means, and you have a situation that forces soldiers to completely abandon any sense of morality, any sense of right or wrong, and any sense of what is means to feel and think like a human being.
How would you handle this? Booze, drugs, sex.......and after that? Maybe suicide would be a welcome relief.
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