Introductions and getting started: I'm a child of the Pleasantville 1950s, a teen during the turbulent 1960s, a wife and mother during the 'earth mother' 1970s, a career mom in the 1980s, a grandmother in the 1990s, and now an empty nester in 2007.
Spent the past 4 years immersed in activism efforts trying to end war in Iraq and bring the troops home. So immersed, that I let go of a lot of pleasures I used to enjoy before the Iraq war and it's time to yank my life back into balance.
So what did I used to do that I don't do now, what did I used to like that I don't get to do as much of now and what were all those projects I was going to do when I had more time.... ??
I like collectibles, and have collected items from different eras.
I like vintage things that aren't exactly 'antiques' or collectibles.
I like trash to treasures kind of things and projects.
I like historical perspective of how families managed in different eras.
I am looking at sustainable living, simplistic living, meaningful living, frugal living, 'green' living.
I like learning about diy projects.
I like learning about and doing my kitchen vegetable gardening, putting up the produce.
I like crocheting, simple sewing projects.
I like 'decorating' my home. We bought a house built in 1892, in a fishing village - Bay Tower House, we call it - visit our blog at HouseBlogs.
I like my dog = Jake, an australian shepherd.
I liked the cat, inherited from my daughter, when I didn't think I liked cats.
I like the idea of new recipes, although I don't love cooking - been doing it for decades, so like to spice things up.
I like thrift stores, sales, collectible shops, antique shops, off the beaten path kind of shops. I don't like 'box stores'
I like oil painting.
I like reading for leisure and learning.
I'm a homebody by nature and prefer to find treasures and pleasures exploring things I can do in my home.
I'm also an explorer, wanting to explore new places, new ideas, new trails, knowing I have a home to come back to.
So what's the purpose of this blog? It's a place for me to collect ideas from others who are more creative than I in thinking how to repurpose, refashion, re-use, re-new, re-utilize old into new.
As I wander in my internet travels, I am so often finding happy discoveries amongst the many who share on the internet and today I was so excited when I found Wardrobe Refashion blog, I just knew when I finished looking it over I was going to make a new blog for myself. I recently was involved in trying to purge my closets and storage of decades old clothing I've saved and managed to complete the project. So several bags to go out to thrift store and several other bags remain to be used in sewing/crafting/quilting projects. Then today when I found Wardrobe Refashion blog, well those bags set to go out to the thrift stores will get another looking over for what might be useable in 'refashioning' projects. I'm excited and animated about some great new ideas for using the 'stash' I've saved over the past decades.
My family and friends find it humorous that I save stuff like I do, and my kids (adults now) like to laugh at some of the things I have saved - like some of their clothing from when they were kids. Some have said I need an 'intervention' to get rid of clothing, shoes, and purses that date back to 1980s. Of course I do - need an intervention, and I'm delighted with the new ideas being shared by so many people who are interested in retro fashioning old into new..... I have a whole new world stretching out before me.
posted by Lietta Ruger
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