Grow an Orchard in Container Pots? Fruit trees in container pots? According to an article by Ellen Brown at Thrifty Fun, it can be done.
She writes:
there aren't any "wrong" types of fruit to grow in pots. Apples, pears, plums and cherries,also tender fruits like apricots, citrus, nectarines and peaches. Figs can also be grown in pots providing their roots are kept in check. And most soft fruits like strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants and grapes work well, too. In most cases dwarf rootstock or compact varieties are available, but they are not necessary. Usually the restrictive nature of the pot will suffice in limiting the size of growth.
The best containers for growing fruit are those only slightly larger (2-3 inches) than the existing rootball. A good size for most fruits is 18 inches in diameter and at least 16-18 inches deep.
She writes about the care, indicates that the trees have to be repotted up one size about every two years. And that the trees have to be brought inside to keep warm in the winter.
Bringing potted trees inside for the winter will not work for my house, so if the trees can't make it outside through the winter, and we have mild winters here, then the tree isn't going to be a good match for our lifestyle.
Read more 'how to' here.
Apricot Tree
I learned last season that our Pacific maritime culture which is actually a zone 5, can grow apricot and peach trees. Well, soon as I learned that, I wanted one of each. I don't really have room in the yeard to support two more trees, so the dwarf variety, growing in containers and creating a container orchard, might be a fun way to go.
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