First it was Washington DC, in March 2007 on fourth anniversary of Iraq war (photos on this blog). Then it was Manhattan, New York in May 2007 on Memorial Day (video on this blog). And the third city is Santa Monica, California in June 2007 in what looks to be a series of U.S. cities being given a taste of the almost too realistic Operation First Casualty, street theater. Real returning Iraq veterans of the organization IraqVeterans Against the War re-enact how they have done their jobs in Iraq.
Civilians go about their usual activities of the day and register startling surprise as they see soldiers in camouflage pointing with their hands in pantomine of rifles, taking actors prisoner, placing bags over their heads - an occupation being played out, right here in an American city.
Below is another video of Operation First Casualty - Santa Monica, CA; carried out by the Iraq Veterans Against the War. I've been intrigued by the actions of these returning Iraq veterans since they initiated their first 'occupation' of Washington DC in March 2007. As they explain when they carry out these mock, street theater patrols under the premise that 'The first casualty of war is Truth'.
The military has taken notice, read more about Adam Kokesh Hearing. Marines have faulted Adam Kokesh, while the old guard of the VFW has decided to take issue with the military and back Adam Kokesh - wow!
I don't know which city will be next to be treated to a bit of realism of Iraq (beyond the ongoing pro-anti arguments that pass without end or resolve for national dialogue in the media and public discourse) - and I think Seattle or Tacoma or the state capitol of Olympia, home to our U.S. Legislators, would embrace the concept of Operation First Casualty.
As you watch the video and listen to the civilian comments, you can see for yourself how it registers with them in startlement, beyond what the marches, rallies, panels, town halls have seemingly been able to do.
Hooyah Iraq Veterans Against the War - thank you for bringing home and delivering a different kind of message.
Operation First Casualty - Santa Monica, CA
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