I tried what is known to garderners in hand me down folklore of using willow twigs to make a rooting solution to use with new cuttings. I cut several off my mother's old willow tree, and put them in a large jar, let them gestate for several days and then added the solution to the 'new cuttings' to take root. I wasn't successful.
I found this at another blog and wanted to share the 'recipe' here, so for my own use in my own garden on my own blog here is another recipe for Willow Water rooting hormone.
Here's what you do:
1. Get a handful of willow twigs (any Salix species will do)
2. Cut them into pieces a few inches long
3. Soak the twigs in a few inches of water for a day or two; then remove the twigs.
4. Use the willow water to soak cuttings in overnight, or to water flats of newly started cuttings, or to help transplants.
Now remember since this method isn't very exact, the strength of the willow water can vary depending on the time of year, the number of twigs, the concentration of hormones in the twigs, and the amount of time that the twigs were soaked. You will, however, still get a solution that will help your plants root.
hat tip to Weekend Gardener
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